Sunday, August 2, 2009

Is taking these courses all together too hard?

I'm planning on registering the following courses for my next semester. Calculus (2), Physics (2), Physics Lab (2), C++, and Engineering Drawing. Total is 13 hrs. Is it too much or is it ok. Will I be able to manage it. I just want to be able to study each enough to get A's. Are these courses easy or not?

Is taking these courses all together too hard?
Yeah it all depends on how good you are at these classes. For the average student i would say this is a pretty tough schedule. Even tho its only 13 units, usually lab classes are still 3 hours long but they only give you one unit. So you technically probably still have 15 hours of class.

My general theory is to take as many classes as you can sign up for which is usually 18 or 21 units. But for some people they cant handle it due to workload or they have a job.

I dont know what year your in but I am guessing your either a freshman or a sophmore so you can always make up the units in summer session or the following semester.
Reply:That is not too much. These are typically freshman classes and as a freshman you should take an average of 16 to 18 hours each semester. I would actually say you are taking to few classes and might want to take another if you are planning on graduating in four years. If you keep taking just 13 hours, you might have to stay for and extra semester or two.
Reply:Well in my opinion I think it all depends on your capabilities. I know i could not do it. but just try and not make it too hard because it's better to get all A's in classes that are less hard then fail classes because you are taking too many hard classes.
Reply:That is probably a bit much. You may be able to hsndle if you are a good student, don't have to work, and don't date.

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