Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Will employers in finance field care if I have one C+ on my transcript even if I have mostly A's otherwise

I recently got my marks and I have mostly A's in my transcript, the min I have (apart from the C+ in an accounting course) is B+. I know for jobs like investment banking you need very high marks, which I have apart from that C+. I just finished second year.

Will employers in finance field care if I have one C+ on my transcript even if I have mostly A's otherwise
Most probably won't, but some might. It depends on whether you're looking at an academic finance field (like teaching) and how much competition there is for a position. Sometimes employers will check a transcript and there is a huge number of applicants for a job, and eliminate everyone who got below a certain GPA or who got below a certain grade in finance courses just as a way to weed the applicant pool down to a more managable level.

In general, though, if you work on getting all A's in your other classes, I would expect most employers to only look at your GPA, if that.
Reply:Not likely. Only if you're looking at a very competitive position (lots of highly qualified applicants). Your last year has the most weight, also - 2nd year is almost meaningless.
Reply:Very unlikely. They look more for your experience and how good of an interview you give them.
Reply:Very unlikely.!

flowers on line

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