Thursday, July 30, 2009

C-section and period?

Let me just explain everything and tell me what you think... I had a C-section in Nov. Of course I bled for a while then I stopped for like a week. Then I got a light period the first of jan. It is now closer to the end of Feb and haven't gotten another period. I quit breastfeeding and pumping a month ago. I haven't completely quit lactating yet. I was afraid I might be pregnant so I bought a pregnany test that detects a pregnany within 2 or 3 days before your missed period. The results were negative. My mother thinks its due to stress. (I had complications with the birth. 1 week in the hospital and 1 week in a children's hospital. Then the army couldn't decide if they were deploying him or not. They finally told us in Jan he was going. He left a week ago) So please tell me what you think and why I haven't got another period.

C-section and period?
stress and you stopped brestfeeding my son is 10 months and I am still not regular
Reply:It is very normal to not have regulated periods (ie every 28 days) right after giving birth. After each of my pregnancies, once my cycles returned they could range anywhere from 28-45+ days between them. With DS1 menses returned at 9 1/2 months; got pregnant 2 months later just to miscarry at 9 1/2 weeks; got menses again 30 days later, got pregnant right away. After Ds2 was born menses returned at 5 1/2 months, got pregnant at 9 months post partum which pregnancy was a full term stillbirth. Got menses at 2 1/2 months, and got pregnant right away. Menses returned at around 6 weeks after last pregnancy and have had it twice since then and baby is now 4 months old.

Also, since you were breastfeeding, and are still lactating your are probably more likely to have irregular periods.

I am not sure if the lightness has anything to do with a c/s, but I think it might. My first 3 were vaginal and my first pp period afterwards was a bit heavier or more on what was normal for me.

My last was a c/s and the periods have been so light, and more clots than anything. I swear my last one, I might have filled a pad up if I had wore it the entire period, which was about 4 days or less.
Reply:I would say stress but it would not hurt to try another test in a few weeks if you havent got a period yet. Good Luck!

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