i was just noticing that many mothers are choosing c-sections over natural labor. why? it seems like to me a c-section would be much more painful and a longer recovery time. i had my first child natural and now am pregnant with my second and i plan to do the same(with pain medication of course!)i was hoping someone could tell me some benifeits of a c-section over natural.
C-section vs natural labor?
Mothers do not choose C sections. They are major surgery and only done when deemed necessary by the doctor.
Reply:There are no benefits unless your child is in danger, you are in danger or the child is breech or not in a heads down position.
If you go through labor and end up having a Csection because of complications...then thats the breaks, you have to do what you have to do to have a healthy child and mommy in the end of it.
To skip a vaginal birth and jump to c section because they dont want to experience labor, dont want to "ruin" sexual health, or whatever reason is not a good reason...shame on any doctor who agrees to it.
I had to have a csection after 32 hours of labor because of heart accelerations and my son was transverse. I had a very rough recovery from it and my son was unable to breastfeed easily because of it.
I will have a repeat csection because of placental issues, but not by choice.
Reply:C sections should only be reserved for an emergency situation or a case when the mother/baby is deemed at risk. It should never be done for the reason of convenience, it is still a surgery and has the risks of a surgery. The recovery is much tougher, especially when you have other children to care for. Hope this helps
Reply:well I know that the people I know me included are having c-sections per dr orders, I have had complications with my past 2. I would love to try natural but can't. I don't see why someone would choose a c-section unless they are scared of the natural process.
Reply:C-sections are done because junk science lawyers put good doctors in jail for not unnecessarily prescribing them. Doctors tell women it's the better choice because that's the only way they can afford malpractice insurance. We have a ****** up legal system that makes doctors choose unsafe treatments because of junk science cases.
Reply:They want to plan when the baby will be born. My doctor would not allow such foolishness as unnecessary surgery.
Some women have valid medical reasons for needing a planned C-section, but many don't. It's weird. I was induced with both of my kids because of high blood pressure. My first daughter weighed 10 freakin' pounds AND my epidural didn't work and she still came out the regular way so I have no sympathy. My second was 9 1/2lbs, I didn't even ask for an epidural, she came out the regular way and I survived.
There are few reasons to mess with nature.
Reply:I saw a report the other day of an increase in deaths during child birth. It said that a lot of mothers were choosing c-sections over natural and a lot of them bled to death or the got blood clots. and there would be a longer recovery time. My mother had a c-section and she says that it really really sucked, she couldnt hold me like she wanted to, it was to breast feed, and when it came back in time for her to lose the baby weight, she said that those stomach muscles were really hard to strengthen again and they were lopsided because of the c-section. c-sections should only be used for emergency reasons. Just for safety reasons.
Reply:Well I had to have a C-Section with my first and the recovery for me was horrible. My friend that was by the side the whole time said it scared her just to watch me try to get up and walk around and that after her vaginal birth she was up and walking and pain free within hours.
I have heard of people who chose to have a c-section on their own. But it is up to the doctor.
I'm 30 weeks pregnant with my second and my doc won't let me have a v-bac even though he said it is very unlikely that I will have the same problems that I did with my first. So I guess it depends on the doctor and their policies.
Reply:C-setion has no benifits besides if an emergency comes up it saves baby life and motheres. Some women opt to actually choose c-section, its really up to you ,its your body, your the one living in it.
Reply:C/sections are to be done, really, only in the case of an emergency. I had two emergency c/sections, and in the first case, both my son and I were in distress. I had planned a vbac with my daughter; however, she became distressed, and had to be taken via c/section as well.
I have seen many people here who want a c/section over a vaginal birth, and I wonder about that, too. It's not elective surgery... yet too many ob/gyns allow them, even though it's not medically necessary.
Both of my c/sections were very painful, with the second one being moreso painful than the first. What I think is funny that many women say that the second one is "easier". I wonder what makes them say that.
C/sections are major surgery, they are taken too lightly by some. Recovery is much longer, much more painful. A vaginal birth, by all means, is the better way to go, unless there is a problem and the baby needs to be delivered via c/section.
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