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Sunday, August 2, 2009
Studying through online courses to get into university. Will they accept the credits?
I've been diagnosed with a severe social phobia when I was 15. And since then, my school life has been a disaster. I graduated from high school with a C average when I was 18.
Now i'm 24, and I wanna go back to school, get accepted into a university... But i probably won't be able to think straight with people around.
If I go through studies online, to get the grades I require, will the major universities like NYU accept these credits like it's earned by normal folks who attends schools offline?
Are the grades earned from online courses credited the same as offline?
Thank you.
Studying through online courses to get into university. Will they accept the credits?
Depends on the online school, the classes, and the universities you have in mind. Some online schools have some classes a university will take and some that they will not. It varies from university to university, too. The variance on this is huge. All you can do is contact the university of your choice, tell them what you have, and ask them what courses online they will accept and which ones they will not.
In any case, make sure you are seeing your doctor regularly about your phobia. Phobias are usually treatable, at least enough to get by. This is something you will really want to beat anyway. Even if you get through school, you'll find it difficult to make it in the working world without overcoming your social phobia. It is doable. My youngest sister struggled in school then lived with my mom until she was 24 for the same reason. She finally realized she couldn't live with mom forever, and now she is a 3.96 GPA student at a vet tech school. It is a traumatic experience for her at times, but she is plugging at it and is only a couple of terms away from a decent job doing something she loves. It never would have happened sitting in front of a computer.
Good luck!
Reply:I hate to give this answer, but it is a school-to-school issue. Some will, most wont. The school I am currently on Leave of Absence from will not accept online credits gained during this time. Your best bet is to send a quick email to the admissions section of the schools you are interested in and find out for each school.
Reply:yes they are credited the same as offline.
i go to school online at a community college and when my 2 years is up and i want to transfer to a university they will accept it.
the university i am going to transfer to after i finsih community college also has online courses, so maybe NYU offers something similar?
Reply:If they are credited courses through an accepetable school, there should be no problem. You really need to deal with your phobia, thats no way to live.
Reply:Contact the univeristy. Most universities have a section on the webpage where you can cross reference the credit for whatever online uniersity to see what if any credit you will get. Then match that up with the list of classes for whatever degree you deciede you want. CLEP tests good too.
Reply:the school that is offering that course can tell you if the credits are transferable. It is clearly the curriculum that they give you, and the amount of work involved.
Now i'm 24, and I wanna go back to school, get accepted into a university... But i probably won't be able to think straight with people around.
If I go through studies online, to get the grades I require, will the major universities like NYU accept these credits like it's earned by normal folks who attends schools offline?
Are the grades earned from online courses credited the same as offline?
Thank you.
Studying through online courses to get into university. Will they accept the credits?
Depends on the online school, the classes, and the universities you have in mind. Some online schools have some classes a university will take and some that they will not. It varies from university to university, too. The variance on this is huge. All you can do is contact the university of your choice, tell them what you have, and ask them what courses online they will accept and which ones they will not.
In any case, make sure you are seeing your doctor regularly about your phobia. Phobias are usually treatable, at least enough to get by. This is something you will really want to beat anyway. Even if you get through school, you'll find it difficult to make it in the working world without overcoming your social phobia. It is doable. My youngest sister struggled in school then lived with my mom until she was 24 for the same reason. She finally realized she couldn't live with mom forever, and now she is a 3.96 GPA student at a vet tech school. It is a traumatic experience for her at times, but she is plugging at it and is only a couple of terms away from a decent job doing something she loves. It never would have happened sitting in front of a computer.
Good luck!
Reply:I hate to give this answer, but it is a school-to-school issue. Some will, most wont. The school I am currently on Leave of Absence from will not accept online credits gained during this time. Your best bet is to send a quick email to the admissions section of the schools you are interested in and find out for each school.
Reply:yes they are credited the same as offline.
i go to school online at a community college and when my 2 years is up and i want to transfer to a university they will accept it.
the university i am going to transfer to after i finsih community college also has online courses, so maybe NYU offers something similar?
Reply:If they are credited courses through an accepetable school, there should be no problem. You really need to deal with your phobia, thats no way to live.
Reply:Contact the univeristy. Most universities have a section on the webpage where you can cross reference the credit for whatever online uniersity to see what if any credit you will get. Then match that up with the list of classes for whatever degree you deciede you want. CLEP tests good too.
Reply:the school that is offering that course can tell you if the credits are transferable. It is clearly the curriculum that they give you, and the amount of work involved.
The Design Studies courses in the York/Sheridan Joint Program focus upon?
plz help me to find the right answer?
The Design Studies courses in the York/Sheridan Joint Program focus upon?
a. design studies are not officially part of our program
b. history of art, design, and architecture
c. design history, research, management, critical issues, and contemporary problems
d. design studio management and professional ethics
The Design Studies courses in the York/Sheridan Joint Program focus upon?
The answer is C. I'm filling out the questionnaire as well and it says so on York's website.
This is from the first paragraph off the site below. "Courses in design studies provide an integrated approach to the history, research and theory, management and critical issues of design."
Good luck with your Questionnaire!
The Design Studies courses in the York/Sheridan Joint Program focus upon?
a. design studies are not officially part of our program
b. history of art, design, and architecture
c. design history, research, management, critical issues, and contemporary problems
d. design studio management and professional ethics
The Design Studies courses in the York/Sheridan Joint Program focus upon?
The answer is C. I'm filling out the questionnaire as well and it says so on York's website.
This is from the first paragraph off the site below. "Courses in design studies provide an integrated approach to the history, research and theory, management and critical issues of design."
Good luck with your Questionnaire!
Do the Philippines have a prerequisite courses?
I currently taking some prerequisite courses here n da US but then yea u know some students don't pass one subject, then if you pass at least C u can go up to the next level but if u dont pass it, well u have to take it again next semester. I think it is so hard as a non native speakers. Low to the advance level subject in order to go to the Program that you really want to take it. Is it the same stuff in the Philippines? I heard most filipino - american who wants to go back to the Philippines, they want to study there b cuz they said it is easy, and dont have a so much time to repeat some classes next semester. I thank god to my friend because, he wants to study there for 1 yr ( Nurse LVN), so he doesnt want to take any prerequisite courses there.
Do the Philippines have a prerequisite courses?
While getting an education here in the Philippines is cheaper it is NOT necessarily easier. Some schools are easier than other but then you have to worry about passing the professional licensing examination / returning to America with accredidation. The Philippines has three schools listed as the best 1000 schools in the world but you wont skate by. You need a high school deploma and a GPA of 85+ just to enroll. Classes are conducted in English so your handicap would not disappear. You can get a tutor fairly easy.
If you fail a course you must take it again before advancing. I know one Silliman University student who has taken Chemistry 9 times.
Your friend ill be disappointed. All good Universities have pre-requisite courses. The Nursing exam is conducted at the national level and NOT easy. With the latest cheating scandal it is even harder.
In addition the quality of the instruction is not as high as it is in America. Many instructors are authoritarian , inflexible and poor in English (causes problems in that the courses are taught in English)
If you are looking for an "easy route" to a nursing degree/ticket.....I do not think the Philippines is the answer
I suggest you work at improving your English and get a good tutor.....You are VERY lucky......there are thousands of students here who would jump at a chance to be where you are.....I know a top nursing graduate who can not get a job here.....
Reply:In order to attend college in the Philippines, you must have a high school diploma or an equivalent. You must also pass the national aptitude exams and the entrance exam from the school you want to attend. There are also grade requirements depending on the school and the course you're going to take. Depending on the course and the school, some courses are categorized as quota courses, meaning you don't only have to pass the requirements and the examination, you have to be in the top 10 percentile of the examinees to get a slot. I don't think it's necessarily easier to study in the Philippines, the cost of education is just much cheaper than in the United States.
Reply:jane, you live and study in the US but honestly I had a hard time comprehending your post.. If your like this, you have a very slim chance in getting into college.
Reply:that means the Philippines has better teachers than America
Reply:yes we do have prerequisite courses too. If you don't pass a certain course you have to repeat it again.
wedding reception flowers
Do the Philippines have a prerequisite courses?
While getting an education here in the Philippines is cheaper it is NOT necessarily easier. Some schools are easier than other but then you have to worry about passing the professional licensing examination / returning to America with accredidation. The Philippines has three schools listed as the best 1000 schools in the world but you wont skate by. You need a high school deploma and a GPA of 85+ just to enroll. Classes are conducted in English so your handicap would not disappear. You can get a tutor fairly easy.
If you fail a course you must take it again before advancing. I know one Silliman University student who has taken Chemistry 9 times.
Your friend ill be disappointed. All good Universities have pre-requisite courses. The Nursing exam is conducted at the national level and NOT easy. With the latest cheating scandal it is even harder.
In addition the quality of the instruction is not as high as it is in America. Many instructors are authoritarian , inflexible and poor in English (causes problems in that the courses are taught in English)
If you are looking for an "easy route" to a nursing degree/ticket.....I do not think the Philippines is the answer
I suggest you work at improving your English and get a good tutor.....You are VERY lucky......there are thousands of students here who would jump at a chance to be where you are.....I know a top nursing graduate who can not get a job here.....
Reply:In order to attend college in the Philippines, you must have a high school diploma or an equivalent. You must also pass the national aptitude exams and the entrance exam from the school you want to attend. There are also grade requirements depending on the school and the course you're going to take. Depending on the course and the school, some courses are categorized as quota courses, meaning you don't only have to pass the requirements and the examination, you have to be in the top 10 percentile of the examinees to get a slot. I don't think it's necessarily easier to study in the Philippines, the cost of education is just much cheaper than in the United States.
Reply:jane, you live and study in the US but honestly I had a hard time comprehending your post.. If your like this, you have a very slim chance in getting into college.
Reply:that means the Philippines has better teachers than America
Reply:yes we do have prerequisite courses too. If you don't pass a certain course you have to repeat it again.
wedding reception flowers
Are AP courses important for getting into a good college?
I ' m planning to drop Ap Bio and AP chem b/c I got a F on the first month, I'm afraid that I'll get a D or F as a semester grade. so after dropping those only AP courses I just tried in my senior year. do you think that I can go to good public college like UC (any campus), (I didn't take AP or honors before)
Are AP courses important for getting into a good college?
AP courses LOOK good for getting into a good college but they are in no way required. The benefit is that you get an extra grade point for your AP classes. So if you get a B in an AP course, it's like an A in a regular course (so your GPA is up which is always important). Another benefit is that the UC system lets you use your AP test scores to waive some undergraduate requirements. For example, I went to UC Irvine and passed both the AP English and AP US History exams (a 4 and a 3 score respectively). Once I got to UCI, I didn't have to take any history or English classes (my AP scores satisfied that req) and already had 16 units. Since I had more units, I was also able to enroll earlier in courses (at UCI, your enrollment date is a seniority system based on your number of units...so I got to enroll before other freshmen!) that way you get classes you want before they fill up.
If you are getting poor grades in your AP classes like you said, however, I would drop them. Reason being, a UC will not accept you with D or F grades. Not only is it considered failing at the UC level, but it will lower your overall GPA. AP Bio and AP Chem are extremely hard. If there is an AP course in another subject that you are good at, maybe enroll in that but I would say stick with what you know you can do and do your best at it. Good luck!
Reply:AP courses have nothing to do with getting into college. They just provide college credit.
Reply:If you're looking at a Science or Medical major you have problems.
Liberal arts, maybe you can fake your way out.
Reply:Colleges would rather see a B in an AP course than a A+ in a regular course.
Reply:NOT AT ALL... I go to the University of Wisconsin and unless you seriously plan on getting college credit from the AP tests dont worry about it. Get good grades and get a good ACT score, thats all that really matters at most schools.
Reply:No....actually colleges hate to see that you are learning more than necessary and challenging yourself by taking college level classes....
Reply:They can be. It depends on how they affect your GPA. They usually are computed on a higher scale therefore giving you a higher GPA. So this could definetly help not harm. In some states like here in Texas just being in a certain top percentile guarantees you accepatnce into some colleges.
Reply:yes it is very important to get into good collegs, if u dont have em it is very unlikely you will get chosen to a good school. If you arent doing well in them you just have to devote yourself and study harder. Im taking AP biology as well but i devote alotta time for studying i got a 90 on my last test so just try ur best and take as amny ap classes as you can but if u get low grades drop them and swithc to honors because evne if u did get into a good college u might get droppe dout because of ur lack of capability. BUt overall just try ur best one more semester se what ur grade and decide from there. People who say no its because htey arent taking ne its good to get a90 or above in an AP class and a 3 or higher on the exam. LIke COlumbia, COrnell, NYU dont accept anyone with out AP classes so try ur best
Are AP courses important for getting into a good college?
AP courses LOOK good for getting into a good college but they are in no way required. The benefit is that you get an extra grade point for your AP classes. So if you get a B in an AP course, it's like an A in a regular course (so your GPA is up which is always important). Another benefit is that the UC system lets you use your AP test scores to waive some undergraduate requirements. For example, I went to UC Irvine and passed both the AP English and AP US History exams (a 4 and a 3 score respectively). Once I got to UCI, I didn't have to take any history or English classes (my AP scores satisfied that req) and already had 16 units. Since I had more units, I was also able to enroll earlier in courses (at UCI, your enrollment date is a seniority system based on your number of units...so I got to enroll before other freshmen!) that way you get classes you want before they fill up.
If you are getting poor grades in your AP classes like you said, however, I would drop them. Reason being, a UC will not accept you with D or F grades. Not only is it considered failing at the UC level, but it will lower your overall GPA. AP Bio and AP Chem are extremely hard. If there is an AP course in another subject that you are good at, maybe enroll in that but I would say stick with what you know you can do and do your best at it. Good luck!
Reply:AP courses have nothing to do with getting into college. They just provide college credit.
Reply:If you're looking at a Science or Medical major you have problems.
Liberal arts, maybe you can fake your way out.
Reply:Colleges would rather see a B in an AP course than a A+ in a regular course.
Reply:NOT AT ALL... I go to the University of Wisconsin and unless you seriously plan on getting college credit from the AP tests dont worry about it. Get good grades and get a good ACT score, thats all that really matters at most schools.
Reply:No....actually colleges hate to see that you are learning more than necessary and challenging yourself by taking college level classes....
Reply:They can be. It depends on how they affect your GPA. They usually are computed on a higher scale therefore giving you a higher GPA. So this could definetly help not harm. In some states like here in Texas just being in a certain top percentile guarantees you accepatnce into some colleges.
Reply:yes it is very important to get into good collegs, if u dont have em it is very unlikely you will get chosen to a good school. If you arent doing well in them you just have to devote yourself and study harder. Im taking AP biology as well but i devote alotta time for studying i got a 90 on my last test so just try ur best and take as amny ap classes as you can but if u get low grades drop them and swithc to honors because evne if u did get into a good college u might get droppe dout because of ur lack of capability. BUt overall just try ur best one more semester se what ur grade and decide from there. People who say no its because htey arent taking ne its good to get a90 or above in an AP class and a 3 or higher on the exam. LIke COlumbia, COrnell, NYU dont accept anyone with out AP classes so try ur best
Dark Basic vs C++?
Well, im interested in becoming a videogame designer, so i'm taking courses at my school. So far i've worked with games factory (Don't think it helped me much but whatever), dark basic and flash. Dark Basic Pro is what i'm used to working with, but to check what skills are needed to this day most corperations require a knowledge of c++. My question is, is c++ significantly harder than dark basic? Or if im used to programming with this compiler, it'd be a relatively easy transition to c++.
Dark Basic vs C++?
C++ is a lot tougher than Dark Basic BUT, you'll learn and adapt. If you are familiar with programming already its an easy transition. Don't be surprised though when you end up doing a lot of extra things that you didn't have to do before in DB. You have to worry about a lot of things in C++ that Basic programming takes care of for you. The trade off though is that you'll have way more control over the way your program acts, and have more access to the things you need to do, especially for game programming.
Dark Basic vs C++?
C++ is a lot tougher than Dark Basic BUT, you'll learn and adapt. If you are familiar with programming already its an easy transition. Don't be surprised though when you end up doing a lot of extra things that you didn't have to do before in DB. You have to worry about a lot of things in C++ that Basic programming takes care of for you. The trade off though is that you'll have way more control over the way your program acts, and have more access to the things you need to do, especially for game programming.
What are some of the gud courses I shuld take in college for Bachelors in finance and economics?
My family does not want me to do my under grad. in business b/c they say I wuld never earn over 50000 so i want to know wht courses I shuld take in collge so I get paid enough once I graduate frm college (is my major any gud)
What are some of the gud courses I shuld take in college for Bachelors in finance and economics?
first, study English.
Reply:I hope all of that poor grammar was intentional. Take economics, finance, accounting, and statistics courses. I don't have any data to support this, but I would assume that the college of business would have the highest starting salary of any college at your university. The only one that I think would be competitive with business (in undergrad) is engineering. I think your family is mistaken.
Reply:Depends what career field you're looking to join. If you're looking at investment banking or general finance
for classes:
for the difference between corporate finance vs. financial management:
Reply:I'd learn English first, try picking up a dictionary!
What are some of the gud courses I shuld take in college for Bachelors in finance and economics?
first, study English.
Reply:I hope all of that poor grammar was intentional. Take economics, finance, accounting, and statistics courses. I don't have any data to support this, but I would assume that the college of business would have the highest starting salary of any college at your university. The only one that I think would be competitive with business (in undergrad) is engineering. I think your family is mistaken.
Reply:Depends what career field you're looking to join. If you're looking at investment banking or general finance
for classes:
for the difference between corporate finance vs. financial management:
Reply:I'd learn English first, try picking up a dictionary!
AP Physics B vs. AP Physics C?
I'm very much interested in Physics so I've decided to take an AP Physics Course next year, but I'm having difficulty deciding between B and C. I would take C because I know colleges accept it more often, but I struggle with the decision due to the use of calculus. I will be eligible to take AP Calc AB next year, but I don't know if I want to add a fourth AP class. If i choose to instead take a regular Calculus course will I struggle in AP Phys C? From what I've heard B is not Calculus based and since I'm currently doing very well in Pre-Calc and I got an a in my Honors Physics class I don't see why this would be a struggle. I'd rather take Phys C but I'm afraid it will be too difficult.
AP Physics B vs. AP Physics C?
Well, In my experience.... for AP Physics.... all you really need to know how to do is an Integral and a Derivative ( Dot and Cross Product here and there.) , well a little bit of Polar Coordinates as well, but with some Pre-Calculus background, it should be managable.
Reply:judging from your grade on precalc, I do not see why you would have a difficulty with Ap calculus or physics. 4 subjects are not too much to take, students in our school take a minimum of 5. You can handle it.
Reply:Here u'll find a site with AP C "free response questions"
If you can do them then u can take Ap C
Reply:I don't know how good you are at math. C mechanics is pretty easy. You will only need to know how to differentiate and integrate using simple power rule and solve first order differential equations (if they put air resistance on there) to get a 5. All three of that you can easily learn by yourself in a week. E%26amp;M is a bit harder.
Reply:I took AP Phys B in highschool and got a 4 on the exam. My college accepted it no problem, but if you want to be a physics major specifically you will have to take mechanics again, this time using calculus. You will have to take calculus too, so maybe you should get that out of the way (it will be accepted no matter what if you pass the exam.
Also, note that Physics C will be very difficult without a calc background.
flowers gifts
AP Physics B vs. AP Physics C?
Well, In my experience.... for AP Physics.... all you really need to know how to do is an Integral and a Derivative ( Dot and Cross Product here and there.) , well a little bit of Polar Coordinates as well, but with some Pre-Calculus background, it should be managable.
Reply:judging from your grade on precalc, I do not see why you would have a difficulty with Ap calculus or physics. 4 subjects are not too much to take, students in our school take a minimum of 5. You can handle it.
Reply:Here u'll find a site with AP C "free response questions"
If you can do them then u can take Ap C
Reply:I don't know how good you are at math. C mechanics is pretty easy. You will only need to know how to differentiate and integrate using simple power rule and solve first order differential equations (if they put air resistance on there) to get a 5. All three of that you can easily learn by yourself in a week. E%26amp;M is a bit harder.
Reply:I took AP Phys B in highschool and got a 4 on the exam. My college accepted it no problem, but if you want to be a physics major specifically you will have to take mechanics again, this time using calculus. You will have to take calculus too, so maybe you should get that out of the way (it will be accepted no matter what if you pass the exam.
Also, note that Physics C will be very difficult without a calc background.
flowers gifts
Help! how do i pass these courses?
i am majoring in medical assistant..the courses i need are english 101 and math 080..my current grade in both classes is a 63%..if i do good and get c's, will that result in me passing with at least a c, what do i need to do to pass with a b..
Help! how do i pass these courses?
Help! how do i pass these courses?
What are some of the gud courses I shuld take in college for Bachelors in finance and economics?
My family does not want me to do my under grad. in business b/c they say I wuld never earn over 50000 so i want to know wht courses I shuld take in collge so I get paid enough once I graduate frm college.
What are some of the gud courses I shuld take in college for Bachelors in finance and economics?
First, spelling.
Get plenty of economics, accounting, business ethics, business law.
A well rounded course in Human Resource Management can also be beneficial.
Out of college, not many people are going to pay you 50K. You need to work up to that level.
Reply:Definitely English but I am sure you are taking the P.I.SS.
Reply:"English as a second language"
I've no idea what your first language is, but plainly it's not English, and if you think you will make £50k on leaving "College" you have a real shock coming to you :-)
Reply:College? Sounds like you "shuld" be worrying about kindergarten instead. McDonalds is hiring. With writing skills like that, you will never make over $6 an hour.
Reply:go and get a gcse in english first
What are some of the gud courses I shuld take in college for Bachelors in finance and economics?
First, spelling.
Get plenty of economics, accounting, business ethics, business law.
A well rounded course in Human Resource Management can also be beneficial.
Out of college, not many people are going to pay you 50K. You need to work up to that level.
Reply:Definitely English but I am sure you are taking the P.I.SS.
Reply:"English as a second language"
I've no idea what your first language is, but plainly it's not English, and if you think you will make £50k on leaving "College" you have a real shock coming to you :-)
Reply:College? Sounds like you "shuld" be worrying about kindergarten instead. McDonalds is hiring. With writing skills like that, you will never make over $6 an hour.
Reply:go and get a gcse in english first
What are some of the gud courses I shuld take in college for Bachelors in finance and economics?
My family does not want me to do my under grad. in business b/c they say I wuld never earn over 50000 so i want to know wht courses I shuld take in collge so I get paid enough once I graduate frm college.
What are some of the gud courses I shuld take in college for Bachelors in finance and economics?
If you are going to major in business take finance and economics courses, in addition to the requirements in your program. Also, take a business writing course. It's helpful for anyone entering into business. Good luck to you, and don't let your family deter you from an education.
Reply:first take some SPELLING CLASSES because no one will hire you if you can't spell and u'll earn nothing with such horrible spelling.
i got a history degree and make 49,500, its not the field your degree is in, its YOU and what you can bring to a company
Reply:I did mine in econ. and I make WELL over $50,000/yearly. The courses didnt matter, it was the degree itself that did.
Reply:I think it would be wise for you to work on your English before considering any other course.
What are some of the gud courses I shuld take in college for Bachelors in finance and economics?
If you are going to major in business take finance and economics courses, in addition to the requirements in your program. Also, take a business writing course. It's helpful for anyone entering into business. Good luck to you, and don't let your family deter you from an education.
Reply:first take some SPELLING CLASSES because no one will hire you if you can't spell and u'll earn nothing with such horrible spelling.
i got a history degree and make 49,500, its not the field your degree is in, its YOU and what you can bring to a company
Reply:I did mine in econ. and I make WELL over $50,000/yearly. The courses didnt matter, it was the degree itself that did.
Reply:I think it would be wise for you to work on your English before considering any other course.
What are some of the gud courses I shuld take in college for Bachelors in finance and economics?
My family does not want me to do my under grad. in business b/c they say I wuld never earn over 50000 so i want to know wht courses I shuld take in collge so I get paid enough once I graduate frm college.
What are some of the gud courses I shuld take in college for Bachelors in finance and economics?
Try accounting courses such as ACCA or CIMA - when you complete these you have very powerful internationally recognised qualifications.
The first two parts of these courses are set to the same standard or even higher than a UK bachelors degree in business.
The third and final part is set to the same standard as a UK masters degree in business/finance.
Reply:I agree with the others. The first thing that you need to focus on is improving your spelling, grammar and punctuation or it's not going to matter what courses you take.
Reply:try a spelling course
Reply:Spelling and grammar. I would never employ anyone with your spelling ability or lack off.
What are some of the gud courses I shuld take in college for Bachelors in finance and economics?
Try accounting courses such as ACCA or CIMA - when you complete these you have very powerful internationally recognised qualifications.
The first two parts of these courses are set to the same standard or even higher than a UK bachelors degree in business.
The third and final part is set to the same standard as a UK masters degree in business/finance.
Reply:I agree with the others. The first thing that you need to focus on is improving your spelling, grammar and punctuation or it's not going to matter what courses you take.
Reply:try a spelling course
Reply:Spelling and grammar. I would never employ anyone with your spelling ability or lack off.
What courses would I have to take to work at an adoption/foster care home? how much schooling would it require
I'm 21 and am still not positive on what I wanna go to school for. I am not one who likes to owe money or waste time, therefor I will NOT start courses in college until I am sure of what I am there for. I have always been interested in a couple of different fields:
a) early childhood teaching
b) counseling (school counselor, marriage, family...etc.)
c) social worker
d) mediator (not really like the other fields...but still involves people and working w/ problems)
and a couple of other related fields. Recently I have been toying with the idea of going to school so that I could work at an adoption/foster care center. I do not know what calsses I would have to take for this or how long of schooling is required. I will be going to a community college when I do enroll. I am not overly concerned with money and would mainly just like to do a job that I would enjoy and felt I was making a difference, but I am interested in knowing the general salary. Any info at all would be helpful! :)
What courses would I have to take to work at an adoption/foster care home? how much schooling would it require
Try health and social care, childcare, psychology and possibly sociology.
Takes roughly 2 or three years to complete theses courses, order a prospectus from you local community college to find out more specific info.
a) early childhood teaching
b) counseling (school counselor, marriage, family...etc.)
c) social worker
d) mediator (not really like the other fields...but still involves people and working w/ problems)
and a couple of other related fields. Recently I have been toying with the idea of going to school so that I could work at an adoption/foster care center. I do not know what calsses I would have to take for this or how long of schooling is required. I will be going to a community college when I do enroll. I am not overly concerned with money and would mainly just like to do a job that I would enjoy and felt I was making a difference, but I am interested in knowing the general salary. Any info at all would be helpful! :)
What courses would I have to take to work at an adoption/foster care home? how much schooling would it require
Try health and social care, childcare, psychology and possibly sociology.
Takes roughly 2 or three years to complete theses courses, order a prospectus from you local community college to find out more specific info.
Which courses should i choose (Computer Science) ?
After graduating with a BS in Computer Science specializing in Game Programming, I plan to work in places like NASA, US Air Force or any aerospace related field. For the Upper-division electives, I should choose at least 12 credit hours. Which courses should I choose from the list below ?
CS250 Windows Programming Using Visual Basic
CS251 Advanced Visual Basic
CS260 Concepts of Java
CS280 Programming of C#
IS301 Web Page Design I
CS330 Algorithm Design and Analysis
IS325 Introduction to Database Systems
IS332 Java Script
IS370 Active Server Pages
CS430 Artificial Intelligence
CS440 Data Communications %26amp; Networking
CS445 Independent Programming Project
MIS350 Information Systems Project Management
Please help me.
Which courses should i choose (Computer Science) ?
These are my top 4 in order
1) CS280 Programming of C# - This is the most sought out language right now among employers, but you will probably only learn the basics since it’s a lower division class
2) CS440 Data Communications %26amp; Networking - I think this class should be mandatory. It would be sad to see a CS major not knowing about at least some basic networking protocols
3) IS325 Introduction to Database Systems - Can't think of any workplace that doesn't use some kind of a database (is there one offered under the CS dept, not IS?)
4) CS430 Artificial Intelligence - It should tie in nicely most of the CS concepts you have learned (this will be an advanced class)
Also I don't think you need to take any web development classes as a CS major. I mean do you need a class on Web Page Design or Java Script? You can pick that up in a day or two. Also I am surprised they offer a class on ASP because it's being replaced by ASP .NET.
Aerospace Engineering at WSU Open this result in new window
Related Fields of Study That Might Interest You. Contact Information. Aerospace Engineering ... courses are suggested for students interested in aerospace ...
Aerospaceweb.org | Ask Us - Aerospace Career Questions Open this result in new window
... available in numerous technical fields related to aerospace engineering. ... I am interested in finding out more about the Aerospace field. ...
B.S. Degree in Aeronautics, Prescott, Arizona Campus, Embry-Riddle ... Open this result in new window
... courses will prepare graduates for a career in an aviation related field. ... component where students can select courses from various aviation related fields. ...
Aerospace Engineering Courses Open this result in new window
... in the aerospace industry, and in many related industries in ... the degree program and the specific field(s) of interest on the application for admission. ...
Mercer County Community College - Programs @ Mercer Open this result in new window
Prepare for a career in this varied and challenging field by taking courses in ... business administration, marketing, economics or other business-related fields. ...
flamingo plant
CS250 Windows Programming Using Visual Basic
CS251 Advanced Visual Basic
CS260 Concepts of Java
CS280 Programming of C#
IS301 Web Page Design I
CS330 Algorithm Design and Analysis
IS325 Introduction to Database Systems
IS332 Java Script
IS370 Active Server Pages
CS430 Artificial Intelligence
CS440 Data Communications %26amp; Networking
CS445 Independent Programming Project
MIS350 Information Systems Project Management
Please help me.
Which courses should i choose (Computer Science) ?
These are my top 4 in order
1) CS280 Programming of C# - This is the most sought out language right now among employers, but you will probably only learn the basics since it’s a lower division class
2) CS440 Data Communications %26amp; Networking - I think this class should be mandatory. It would be sad to see a CS major not knowing about at least some basic networking protocols
3) IS325 Introduction to Database Systems - Can't think of any workplace that doesn't use some kind of a database (is there one offered under the CS dept, not IS?)
4) CS430 Artificial Intelligence - It should tie in nicely most of the CS concepts you have learned (this will be an advanced class)
Also I don't think you need to take any web development classes as a CS major. I mean do you need a class on Web Page Design or Java Script? You can pick that up in a day or two. Also I am surprised they offer a class on ASP because it's being replaced by ASP .NET.
Aerospace Engineering at WSU Open this result in new window
Related Fields of Study That Might Interest You. Contact Information. Aerospace Engineering ... courses are suggested for students interested in aerospace ...
Aerospaceweb.org | Ask Us - Aerospace Career Questions Open this result in new window
... available in numerous technical fields related to aerospace engineering. ... I am interested in finding out more about the Aerospace field. ...
B.S. Degree in Aeronautics, Prescott, Arizona Campus, Embry-Riddle ... Open this result in new window
... courses will prepare graduates for a career in an aviation related field. ... component where students can select courses from various aviation related fields. ...
Aerospace Engineering Courses Open this result in new window
... in the aerospace industry, and in many related industries in ... the degree program and the specific field(s) of interest on the application for admission. ...
Mercer County Community College - Programs @ Mercer Open this result in new window
Prepare for a career in this varied and challenging field by taking courses in ... business administration, marketing, economics or other business-related fields. ...
flamingo plant
Hi im isha frm indore . can u help me? im conf. among 2 courses!?
hi im isha frm indore and i have given my CET i have two courses in my hand which is better?B.Com(hons) or BMS i.e. bachelor of mgmt. science. tell me which course have more opportunities also i wanna go for CAT so which course is better for good base!both the courses are havin semester sys.i have the cirriculum of BMS pls. have a look and compare among BMS and B.com(h) and help me out! as my counselling is on 24 of this month.
IM-101 Management theory and practice IM-102 Financial Accounting IM-103 Business Maths IM-104 Computer Applications IM-105 Industrial Psychology IM-106 Business Communication IM-201 Interpersonel Behaviour %26amp; Org. Beh.-1 IM-202 Indian History and Culture IM-203 Cost Accounting IM-204 Statistics Methods IM-205 Industrial Sociology IM-206 C Programming
Semster III Semster IV
IM-301 HRM IM-302 Management Accounting IM-303 Operations Research-I IM-304 DBMS IM-305 Business Laws IM-306 IPB %26amp; OB 2 IM-307 French IM-401 Marketing Management IM-402 Taxation and Tax Planning IM-403 Labour Laws IM-404 Operations Research-II IM-405 C Programming IM-406 Basic Economics IM-407 French 2
Semster V Semster VI
IM-501 Financial Management IM-502 Production and Operations Mgt. IM-503 Econimics for Managers IM-504 Mathematical Modelling IM-505 SAD IM-506 French 3 IM-601 Productivity %26amp; Tech. Mgt. IM-602 Enterprenuership for SSI IM-603 Econometrics IM-604 MIS IM-605 Purchasing and Material Mgt. IM-606 Project Mgt.
Hi im isha frm indore . can u help me? im conf. among 2 courses!?
I honestly feel that BMS would be ideal. Apart from the subject matter in your query, my advice is that you should know how to present your case in minimum no of words. You could have avoided IM numbers and semester numbers so that the reader retain the interest in reading the complet text. Well, this is the FIRST lesson for a good manager.
Reply:I suggest u to take up BMS. As it would help you for ur CAT. It would cover all the topics required for MBA.
All the Best
IM-101 Management theory and practice IM-102 Financial Accounting IM-103 Business Maths IM-104 Computer Applications IM-105 Industrial Psychology IM-106 Business Communication IM-201 Interpersonel Behaviour %26amp; Org. Beh.-1 IM-202 Indian History and Culture IM-203 Cost Accounting IM-204 Statistics Methods IM-205 Industrial Sociology IM-206 C Programming
Semster III Semster IV
IM-301 HRM IM-302 Management Accounting IM-303 Operations Research-I IM-304 DBMS IM-305 Business Laws IM-306 IPB %26amp; OB 2 IM-307 French IM-401 Marketing Management IM-402 Taxation and Tax Planning IM-403 Labour Laws IM-404 Operations Research-II IM-405 C Programming IM-406 Basic Economics IM-407 French 2
Semster V Semster VI
IM-501 Financial Management IM-502 Production and Operations Mgt. IM-503 Econimics for Managers IM-504 Mathematical Modelling IM-505 SAD IM-506 French 3 IM-601 Productivity %26amp; Tech. Mgt. IM-602 Enterprenuership for SSI IM-603 Econometrics IM-604 MIS IM-605 Purchasing and Material Mgt. IM-606 Project Mgt.
Hi im isha frm indore . can u help me? im conf. among 2 courses!?
I honestly feel that BMS would be ideal. Apart from the subject matter in your query, my advice is that you should know how to present your case in minimum no of words. You could have avoided IM numbers and semester numbers so that the reader retain the interest in reading the complet text. Well, this is the FIRST lesson for a good manager.
Reply:I suggest u to take up BMS. As it would help you for ur CAT. It would cover all the topics required for MBA.
All the Best
Is it okay to take Physics C AP Exam even though my son is taking Physics B now?
My son is planning to take engineering courses in College. He's taking Physics B now since there wasn't enough student who signed up for Physics C last year. He's taking Calculus BC now and would like to take the AP Exam for both Calculus BC and Physics C. Reason for taking Physics C exam is that most colleges will only give credit on Physics C instead of B - expecially for engineering students. Is this a smart move? Will he still get credit for Physics C even though he's taking Physics B classes now?
Is it okay to take Physics C AP Exam even though my son is taking Physics B now?
Yes, he can take the AP Physics C Exam.
My advice would be to buy a review book on the concepts for AP Physics C. It includes calculus, advanced rotational motion, and a more in depth look at electricity and magnetism. The C test also doesnt include thermo, optics, and sound (which is on the B).
It will be difficult, but his background from taking Calc BC should help. Its a shame that the school didnt offer Physics C, it is really a great class.
Reply:He should take the AP Physics B exam. Their 2 different AP exams and the content of AP Physics B is going to prepare him for the AP Physics B exam, not the AP Physics C exam. He should stick to the exam for the class not something different.
He'll still get the credit if he passes, but AP Physics C is more advanced and he hasn't had the material required to pass the AP exam. He's got a lot more likelihood of passing the AP Physics B exam since he's had the course material required to succeed on the exam.
Is it okay to take Physics C AP Exam even though my son is taking Physics B now?
Yes, he can take the AP Physics C Exam.
My advice would be to buy a review book on the concepts for AP Physics C. It includes calculus, advanced rotational motion, and a more in depth look at electricity and magnetism. The C test also doesnt include thermo, optics, and sound (which is on the B).
It will be difficult, but his background from taking Calc BC should help. Its a shame that the school didnt offer Physics C, it is really a great class.
Reply:He should take the AP Physics B exam. Their 2 different AP exams and the content of AP Physics B is going to prepare him for the AP Physics B exam, not the AP Physics C exam. He should stick to the exam for the class not something different.
He'll still get the credit if he passes, but AP Physics C is more advanced and he hasn't had the material required to pass the AP exam. He's got a lot more likelihood of passing the AP Physics B exam since he's had the course material required to succeed on the exam.
What college courses should I take?
What courses should I take if I wish to pursue a job in the F.B.I or C.I.A.?
What college courses should I take?
logic classes. It's a big think job. But I know people in the F.B.I. that have studied a lot of unrelated things in college, but all of them got good grades and proved that they were very much into hard work.
Reply:CIA is way better even though FBI is more known
Reply:My mothers boy friend works at a federal prison and his daughter is in training for the F.B.I.....I'll ask them what they think and get back to you. Good luck with your plans!
Reply:Classes pertaining to Law,Pyschology, and multiple foriegn languages would be a good start.......
Reply:Take easy ones to start with.
Reply:You want to take class in international politics, comparitive politics, and law enforcement.
Talk to your advisor. S/he will point you in the right direction.
What college courses should I take?
logic classes. It's a big think job. But I know people in the F.B.I. that have studied a lot of unrelated things in college, but all of them got good grades and proved that they were very much into hard work.
Reply:CIA is way better even though FBI is more known
Reply:My mothers boy friend works at a federal prison and his daughter is in training for the F.B.I.....I'll ask them what they think and get back to you. Good luck with your plans!
Reply:Classes pertaining to Law,Pyschology, and multiple foriegn languages would be a good start.......
Reply:Take easy ones to start with.
Reply:You want to take class in international politics, comparitive politics, and law enforcement.
Talk to your advisor. S/he will point you in the right direction.
Textile courses, any help??
I am 21 and i left school at 16 with a 4 c grade gcse's, now i want to go back and study textiles to eventually gain a HND or Degree within textiles - how do i go about this and what are the best courses.
Textile courses, any help??
I would try and apply for a foundation year next year at Central St Martins in London, or maybe London College of Fashion. This will help you learn what areas you particularly like in textiles as well as get together a really good portfolio to apply for your BA.
Good luck!
Reply:My first thought was to look for a course in your local area (even if you don't plan to study there) and go along and ask for advice. Colleges and unis always welcome interested, enquiring minds, and would point you in the right direction for working on your portfolio and which course to apply to. Best of luck!
umbrella plant
Textile courses, any help??
I would try and apply for a foundation year next year at Central St Martins in London, or maybe London College of Fashion. This will help you learn what areas you particularly like in textiles as well as get together a really good portfolio to apply for your BA.
Good luck!
Reply:My first thought was to look for a course in your local area (even if you don't plan to study there) and go along and ask for advice. Colleges and unis always welcome interested, enquiring minds, and would point you in the right direction for working on your portfolio and which course to apply to. Best of luck!
umbrella plant
Which are the options in NETWORKING COURSES &in them logical sense i've to use like sftwr devl or memory only
I want to make carrier in networking field %26amp; one such networking institute offer me COURSES -N+ ,CCNA,MCSE ,RHCE.ARE THEY SUFFICIENT COURSES FOR CHOICE OR join other courses ?then which? %26amp; i want to evalute my skills to perform .so i want to know it requires only to remember or mathemetical manipulation or pure logical thinking like in 'C' OR creating skills like in software devolopment according to application? plese explain me in detail.
Which are the options in NETWORKING COURSES %26amp;in them logical sense i've to use like sftwr devl or memory only
You need not require any math or programming for becoming network engineer. first of all u try to join MCSE so that you will get both server os as well as networking. and then go for CCNA so that u better understand the topics. if u r willing to be purely networking engg then go for CCNA online exam after that just practice (better way just get a job basing on the ccna so that u can experience a lot)
then try for ccnp. I think a good networking engineer becomes only after a lot of experience.
Reply:None of those courses will make you happy. They are all for network engineers, and will require no programming skills, and very little math skills.
Look at Microsoft's MCSD. This is a way to give you a certification in .NET.
Which are the options in NETWORKING COURSES %26amp;in them logical sense i've to use like sftwr devl or memory only
You need not require any math or programming for becoming network engineer. first of all u try to join MCSE so that you will get both server os as well as networking. and then go for CCNA so that u better understand the topics. if u r willing to be purely networking engg then go for CCNA online exam after that just practice (better way just get a job basing on the ccna so that u can experience a lot)
then try for ccnp. I think a good networking engineer becomes only after a lot of experience.
Reply:None of those courses will make you happy. They are all for network engineers, and will require no programming skills, and very little math skills.
Look at Microsoft's MCSD. This is a way to give you a certification in .NET.
What did u do for relief after c-section??
I was just wondering if there is anything anyone did for any relief after c-section, once u were released of course and back at home. Any remedies like a heating pad to the back for the back aches since ur stomach muscles arnt back to fully being functional yet. Anything to help besides just pain killers cause even taking those dont help to relieve everything, also anything to help relieve the gas build up due to the surgery.
My mother had surgery due to colon cancer and since her intestines had been removed and put back in and she went through kind of went through some of the same surgery (but not) they told her to drink celery tea, which helped to ease the gas i believe and help with the bowel movement (which im not having to much trouble with) just want to know any helpful tips.
-Doctor gave me:
Two types of pain killers
Something to help reduce the gas but im sure extra stuff like natural remedies wouldnt hurt.
-Even tips like what not to eat(besides dairy products) or eat
What did u do for relief after c-section??
I had 2 C-sections and only remember that the more I got up and around, the sooner i felt better. don't overdo it, but make sure you get a little exercise every day even if it's the last thing you feel like doing.
My mother had surgery due to colon cancer and since her intestines had been removed and put back in and she went through kind of went through some of the same surgery (but not) they told her to drink celery tea, which helped to ease the gas i believe and help with the bowel movement (which im not having to much trouble with) just want to know any helpful tips.
-Doctor gave me:
Two types of pain killers
Something to help reduce the gas but im sure extra stuff like natural remedies wouldnt hurt.
-Even tips like what not to eat(besides dairy products) or eat
What did u do for relief after c-section??
I had 2 C-sections and only remember that the more I got up and around, the sooner i felt better. don't overdo it, but make sure you get a little exercise every day even if it's the last thing you feel like doing.
Reccomended study tips for hard & boring courses?
Just wondering what everyone does when it comes to studying for courses that you hate %26amp; obviously don't do well in because you hate it.
I have to take a math course to finish my degree. I took the first version last semester and barely passed (got a C-). I don't want a mark like this again so just wondering how you all study for your courses and upcoming tests (what's your strategy for getting good marks).
thanks in advance
Reccomended study tips for hard %26amp; boring courses?
I must admit, I don’t enjoy studying. Studying can be difficult, as well as boring. If you are like me, you have a relatively short attention span. Reviewing material, particularly from a class that is not your favorite, takes a lot of motivation and persistence. Here are some of my favorite study tips.
First, I hope you attend all your classes and take good notes. This should help your prioritize which materials, readings, or assignments to review. You should also be aware of the type of class and test you are preparing for. Is it an in-class essay, multiple choice, problem solving, or some other kind of exam you are preparing for? Is the class political science, psychology, math, or science? For social science classes, like political science, the key is to study the major concepts. For math and science classes, you need to understand the formulas and the concepts. By focusing on what you need to know along general themes, compared to memorizing every detail, you are more likely to recall what you need during exams.
Second, I do recommend studying in a quiet area. Some folks tell me they study better with the television on or listening to their I-Pod. I disagree! It is very easy for your mind to wander. Having some background entertainment can easily pull you away from reading or studying your notes.
Third, I don’t recommend studying in groups except where you are having difficulty understanding the concepts. If you understand the concepts of the class and you just need to review and memorize them, study groups can be more of a distraction than help. I have learned from my experiences that when students from the same class get together, they tend to complain more about the professor, the assignment, or their classmates than do actual studying. If you don’t understand the concepts for the class, a study group may help you. However, I would recommend talking with the professor about your questions or getting some assistance from someone who has already taken the class over a study group.
Finally, the best study tip is to never put off studying to the last minute. Schedule your studying (and all your class assignments) to complete some each day. If you spread your studying over a week before a big exam, reviewing materials each day, you will have better retention than trying to cram everything in the night before. This will also give you a chance to review material that seems more difficult or identify questions to bring to the professor before the exam.
Best of luck to you.
Reply:Break it up into small units of time. You will never get yourself to spend hours on end studying for it, but a few minutes at a time seems less painful. Also, make a specific schedule up for this, because if you just say something general, like "I'll study over the weekend," you will end up procrastinating and find yourself at 10 p.m. Sunday night still needing to study.
I have to take a math course to finish my degree. I took the first version last semester and barely passed (got a C-). I don't want a mark like this again so just wondering how you all study for your courses and upcoming tests (what's your strategy for getting good marks).
thanks in advance
Reccomended study tips for hard %26amp; boring courses?
I must admit, I don’t enjoy studying. Studying can be difficult, as well as boring. If you are like me, you have a relatively short attention span. Reviewing material, particularly from a class that is not your favorite, takes a lot of motivation and persistence. Here are some of my favorite study tips.
First, I hope you attend all your classes and take good notes. This should help your prioritize which materials, readings, or assignments to review. You should also be aware of the type of class and test you are preparing for. Is it an in-class essay, multiple choice, problem solving, or some other kind of exam you are preparing for? Is the class political science, psychology, math, or science? For social science classes, like political science, the key is to study the major concepts. For math and science classes, you need to understand the formulas and the concepts. By focusing on what you need to know along general themes, compared to memorizing every detail, you are more likely to recall what you need during exams.
Second, I do recommend studying in a quiet area. Some folks tell me they study better with the television on or listening to their I-Pod. I disagree! It is very easy for your mind to wander. Having some background entertainment can easily pull you away from reading or studying your notes.
Third, I don’t recommend studying in groups except where you are having difficulty understanding the concepts. If you understand the concepts of the class and you just need to review and memorize them, study groups can be more of a distraction than help. I have learned from my experiences that when students from the same class get together, they tend to complain more about the professor, the assignment, or their classmates than do actual studying. If you don’t understand the concepts for the class, a study group may help you. However, I would recommend talking with the professor about your questions or getting some assistance from someone who has already taken the class over a study group.
Finally, the best study tip is to never put off studying to the last minute. Schedule your studying (and all your class assignments) to complete some each day. If you spread your studying over a week before a big exam, reviewing materials each day, you will have better retention than trying to cram everything in the night before. This will also give you a chance to review material that seems more difficult or identify questions to bring to the professor before the exam.
Best of luck to you.
Reply:Break it up into small units of time. You will never get yourself to spend hours on end studying for it, but a few minutes at a time seems less painful. Also, make a specific schedule up for this, because if you just say something general, like "I'll study over the weekend," you will end up procrastinating and find yourself at 10 p.m. Sunday night still needing to study.
Can Courses be transferred from Moraine Valley College to universities in Indiana?
I want to enrol in a community college but none near my home offer my intended majors.Can courses like biology and psychology n their credits be transferred to universities like Purdue Calumet and U of C and UIC??..I'm in dire need of help.Please answer asap:)!!
Can Courses be transferred from Moraine Valley College to universities in Indiana?
It depend on the standards of the university. Usually, general education courses are credited but it would depend on the grade you got. As long as the course title and description matches, it should be credited. Other universities will require you to take validation exams. Contact the registrar's office of the university you are transerring to. You also need to get a copy of the courses required to earn a particular degree so you would know what you have already taken and what you need to take.
deliver flowers
Can Courses be transferred from Moraine Valley College to universities in Indiana?
It depend on the standards of the university. Usually, general education courses are credited but it would depend on the grade you got. As long as the course title and description matches, it should be credited. Other universities will require you to take validation exams. Contact the registrar's office of the university you are transerring to. You also need to get a copy of the courses required to earn a particular degree so you would know what you have already taken and what you need to take.
deliver flowers
Graduate in sciences & did software courses , how to get jobs in software companies?
I am a graduate in Bachelors of sciences with Maths, Physics and electronics. And I did some software programming languages like C,C++ %26amp; Oracle. And I don't have any experience in software jobs. I just have the experience in customer service and marketing. Now I would like to start my career in a software company and develop my career. The software courses I did Don't have any certification too. Do I need to go through any certified exam for that? As I dont have a computer background how can I start my career in software company.And if at all I can search jobs from my qualification what type of job profile I have to look for.And what might be the next courses I can do for?
Graduate in sciences %26amp; did software courses , how to get jobs in software companies?
My suggestion is to go take Sun Certified Java Programming or MCAD, MCSD from Microsoft Certified Training Centres.
Edmund Ng
CEO, Founder
Infinique Technologies
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Reply:try the institue from where you done the cources
Graduate in sciences %26amp; did software courses , how to get jobs in software companies?
My suggestion is to go take Sun Certified Java Programming or MCAD, MCSD from Microsoft Certified Training Centres.
Edmund Ng
CEO, Founder
Infinique Technologies
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Reply:For latest information about
Resume Formats
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and many more things
Visit : http://www.sandeepinfo.com
join http://groups.yahoo.com/group/... Report It
Reply:try the institue from where you done the cources
*COLLEGE COURSES*: I REALLY Need Help With This!???
*I'm 16 and applying for colleges.
*I am predicted 11 A*- C GCSE grades.
*My career path is Broadcasting Journalism.
*I need to know whether it would be best for me to do A-levels or a BTEC course in Journalism?
*I am currently unable to find colleges in London that do Journalism/ BTEC Journalism courses!
*PLEASE HELP! ANY ideas AT ALL!!!???*
thanx =)
*COLLEGE COURSES*: I REALLY Need Help With This!???
It sort of depends on a few things I think.
What interests you more about Broadcast Journalism the theoretical side or the practical side? (I'd assume it'd be the latter...) A BTEC is a vocational course so it's very practical and hands-on and will give you experience in a few areas and a better idea of what part of broadcast journalism you're most suited to whereas A-levels concentrate more on the theoretical aspects of the subject.
Also are you 100% sure that Broadcast Journalism is what you're destined to do or do you want to give yourself back up options? A BTEC is pretty one-tracked but by doing A-levels you'll be giving yourself better university course options (if you intend on going) because you'll meet the the entry requirements for more courses- although this only really matters if you do any scientific/mathematic A-levels and then go on to uni to do a similar course.
If you are planning on going to university then it might be worth compromising on the college course and doing the A-levels if you can't find any BTEC courses and then being more specific with your uni choices. You've probably checked it already but hotcourses.com will give you the definitive answer on the BTEC courses in London and any alternatives.
Lastly, don't underestimate how important work experience is in Media. You'll enhance your career options immensely by doing as much as possible in conjunction with your studies. It doesn't matter how small, whether it's helping out at a small company or doing hospital radio it all counts.
Good luck!
Reply:Hey -
Sounds like you're predicted fantastic GCSEs so keep up the good work.
I suggest A levels, as it might seem like the ideal career now, but if at any point you suddenly think oh God i don't want to do this, or I really wanna do something else, then it'll keep your options open.
Then you can go do a degree in English at a huge range of unis - again keeping options open, most journalists have an English degree, or you could take a journalism degree.
Good luck with it all - aim high!
*I am predicted 11 A*- C GCSE grades.
*My career path is Broadcasting Journalism.
*I need to know whether it would be best for me to do A-levels or a BTEC course in Journalism?
*I am currently unable to find colleges in London that do Journalism/ BTEC Journalism courses!
*PLEASE HELP! ANY ideas AT ALL!!!???*
thanx =)
*COLLEGE COURSES*: I REALLY Need Help With This!???
It sort of depends on a few things I think.
What interests you more about Broadcast Journalism the theoretical side or the practical side? (I'd assume it'd be the latter...) A BTEC is a vocational course so it's very practical and hands-on and will give you experience in a few areas and a better idea of what part of broadcast journalism you're most suited to whereas A-levels concentrate more on the theoretical aspects of the subject.
Also are you 100% sure that Broadcast Journalism is what you're destined to do or do you want to give yourself back up options? A BTEC is pretty one-tracked but by doing A-levels you'll be giving yourself better university course options (if you intend on going) because you'll meet the the entry requirements for more courses- although this only really matters if you do any scientific/mathematic A-levels and then go on to uni to do a similar course.
If you are planning on going to university then it might be worth compromising on the college course and doing the A-levels if you can't find any BTEC courses and then being more specific with your uni choices. You've probably checked it already but hotcourses.com will give you the definitive answer on the BTEC courses in London and any alternatives.
Lastly, don't underestimate how important work experience is in Media. You'll enhance your career options immensely by doing as much as possible in conjunction with your studies. It doesn't matter how small, whether it's helping out at a small company or doing hospital radio it all counts.
Good luck!
Reply:Hey -
Sounds like you're predicted fantastic GCSEs so keep up the good work.
I suggest A levels, as it might seem like the ideal career now, but if at any point you suddenly think oh God i don't want to do this, or I really wanna do something else, then it'll keep your options open.
Then you can go do a degree in English at a huge range of unis - again keeping options open, most journalists have an English degree, or you could take a journalism degree.
Good luck with it all - aim high!
2 C's affect my chances for grad school?
Since transferring to my current University I have maintained nearly a 4.0 gpa.
Before transferring, I had a 3.67 gpa from a technical college.
On my transcript appears two remedial courses I took while at technical college. The grades do not factor into my gpa but...
they were both C's (my only C's)
they aren't related to my major really at all
Will they affect my chances of getting into some of the top graduate schools in the country?
Or would they not care since it was my freshman year and the courses were remedial?
2 C's affect my chances for grad school?
don't panic your going to be just fine your G.P.A is high enough at is i don't think that would affect your chances for getting in grad school your G.P.A is higher than most people that is in college. It's nice to see how concerned you are in terms of your education. Good Luck
Reply:I had 2 C's (one even in my major) and I got into grad school at an Ivy League university. They'll look at your overall record not some specific grades. (They'll also look at other things to, depending on what kind of school you are applying to: GRE/LSAT/MCAT/GMAT scores; letters of reference; other experiences related to your field, etc)
Reply:No, probably not. Just point out that you have a 4.0 in your major, and that's really all they care about.
Reply:Hardly. Since it they were not related to your major, I believe they will not have such an impact. Good Luck.
Before transferring, I had a 3.67 gpa from a technical college.
On my transcript appears two remedial courses I took while at technical college. The grades do not factor into my gpa but...
they were both C's (my only C's)
they aren't related to my major really at all
Will they affect my chances of getting into some of the top graduate schools in the country?
Or would they not care since it was my freshman year and the courses were remedial?
2 C's affect my chances for grad school?
don't panic your going to be just fine your G.P.A is high enough at is i don't think that would affect your chances for getting in grad school your G.P.A is higher than most people that is in college. It's nice to see how concerned you are in terms of your education. Good Luck
Reply:I had 2 C's (one even in my major) and I got into grad school at an Ivy League university. They'll look at your overall record not some specific grades. (They'll also look at other things to, depending on what kind of school you are applying to: GRE/LSAT/MCAT/GMAT scores; letters of reference; other experiences related to your field, etc)
Reply:No, probably not. Just point out that you have a 4.0 in your major, and that's really all they care about.
Reply:Hardly. Since it they were not related to your major, I believe they will not have such an impact. Good Luck.
College courses?
I plan on living on campus next semester.I want to fully utilize most of my time by taking at least 15 hrs of course work. Is 15 hrs alot for Junior level classes? U just need 12 to be a full time student,but I would like to take as much as possible,without it being to stressful on myself
I'm an Accounting major so i would be taking business level courses my junior year. I hope i want be in my dorm most of the time studying to much b/c I want to be able to enjoy my college (social) life as well.
College courses?
when u get ur ans pls tell it to me too......
Reply:You should be able to handle it. If in doubt, just make sure to take one or two easy courses.
floral bouquets
I'm an Accounting major so i would be taking business level courses my junior year. I hope i want be in my dorm most of the time studying to much b/c I want to be able to enjoy my college (social) life as well.
College courses?
when u get ur ans pls tell it to me too......
Reply:You should be able to handle it. If in doubt, just make sure to take one or two easy courses.
floral bouquets
I need to learn C?
I have a technical background, but I'm an old guy. I learned Fortran a long long time ago. I think it's time, finally, to learn C. Can someone recommend a good online course to learn it.
I need to learn C?
Reply:You should learn C++ or C#
Here is a good C++ tutorial
Reply:LOL. Anmd you think that C is new? Hey buddy C is dead and Java is dying. The new languages now are :
- C#
-Python is getting very popular. Try one of these and learn OOP not procedural programming. :)
Reply:C shouldn't be very hard to learn, especially since you already have some programming experience. I don't know of any good sources, but do a search in google and have a look around. He is one I just found: http://www.cprogramming.com/tutorial.htm...
Here is some more: http://cplus.about.com/od/learningc/Lear...
Reply:Try the sites below:
This is not an easy language to learn, but keep working on it. Old? Age is not the problem learning C at all, remember everything passing in C is pointers which is the address. Data or value will not pass in the program. The passing stuff is the address of the data or value. Good luck!
Reply:Im and old guy too! I started with Fortran (watFive actually) in the late 70s and picked up C back in 1982; before most of today's techies knew what a computer was!
I tend to believe that a good book is better than anything on-line, and really like the 'In a Nutshell' books. They are not as step by step as some books, but are the best longterm references; Im willing to work a bit harder with the inital learning and have a great reference for keeps. If you can write fortran code, than you can easily use the "C In a Nushell" to get started.
Best of luck.
Reply:Before jumping into C you need to examine your objectives.
C (and C++) have been pushed down the software stack. There is less is less and less C/C++ work being done on at the application level. Standard corporate IT apps are now mostly java or c#. Web and internet stuff is moving toward python, ruby and a handful of other scripting languages.
If you ultimately want to be employed in C/C++ you are looking at more low level and highly specialized work. Drivers, embedded devices, network routing and so forth.
That said, I don't think there is any language that will give you a stronger base from which to learn. I deal with lots of people out of school these days who can code at the scripting language level but who are fundamentally clueless about anything lower level.
So determine where you want to be before you rush out down one path or another.
Reply:If we knew what "C" was perhaps we could help.
I need to learn C?
Reply:You should learn C++ or C#
Here is a good C++ tutorial
Reply:LOL. Anmd you think that C is new? Hey buddy C is dead and Java is dying. The new languages now are :
- C#
-Python is getting very popular. Try one of these and learn OOP not procedural programming. :)
Reply:C shouldn't be very hard to learn, especially since you already have some programming experience. I don't know of any good sources, but do a search in google and have a look around. He is one I just found: http://www.cprogramming.com/tutorial.htm...
Here is some more: http://cplus.about.com/od/learningc/Lear...
Reply:Try the sites below:
This is not an easy language to learn, but keep working on it. Old? Age is not the problem learning C at all, remember everything passing in C is pointers which is the address. Data or value will not pass in the program. The passing stuff is the address of the data or value. Good luck!
Reply:Im and old guy too! I started with Fortran (watFive actually) in the late 70s and picked up C back in 1982; before most of today's techies knew what a computer was!
I tend to believe that a good book is better than anything on-line, and really like the 'In a Nutshell' books. They are not as step by step as some books, but are the best longterm references; Im willing to work a bit harder with the inital learning and have a great reference for keeps. If you can write fortran code, than you can easily use the "C In a Nushell" to get started.
Best of luck.
Reply:Before jumping into C you need to examine your objectives.
C (and C++) have been pushed down the software stack. There is less is less and less C/C++ work being done on at the application level. Standard corporate IT apps are now mostly java or c#. Web and internet stuff is moving toward python, ruby and a handful of other scripting languages.
If you ultimately want to be employed in C/C++ you are looking at more low level and highly specialized work. Drivers, embedded devices, network routing and so forth.
That said, I don't think there is any language that will give you a stronger base from which to learn. I deal with lots of people out of school these days who can code at the scripting language level but who are fundamentally clueless about anything lower level.
So determine where you want to be before you rush out down one path or another.
Reply:If we knew what "C" was perhaps we could help.
What courses should i choose at college (a-level) if i want to be a web designer?
i am picking my options for what courses to do at college (a-levels) and i dont know what to pick.I want to be a web designer or a journalist and dont know what courses i should pick.I love doing ICT and im gettin an A* it it so far but im only getting a C/B in english.I live in the U.K so college in th U.K is when you are 16/17 years old and you leave at about 18/19 years old. can someone please help!
What courses should i choose at college (a-level) if i want to be a web designer?
IT/Computing would be good, web designers need to have a flair for creativity and design so would be good if you do English but if it isn't your strongest point you can do a social science - sociology, psychology, religious studies or art?
There's not really a prerequisite to go to uni for a web designer course besides IT/Computing but when you go for a job they will want to see evidence of creativity
What courses should i choose at college (a-level) if i want to be a web designer?
IT/Computing would be good, web designers need to have a flair for creativity and design so would be good if you do English but if it isn't your strongest point you can do a social science - sociology, psychology, religious studies or art?
There's not really a prerequisite to go to uni for a web designer course besides IT/Computing but when you go for a job they will want to see evidence of creativity
Which place course running of P G D C A?
i am master of Commerce and master of Library Science ,so with my desirable in doing a pg dca course
Which place course running of P G D C A?
hi dilip plz explain wht u want to ask i cant able to understnd? if u wann to know whr u do it, thn ans., is it u may do it, by a well reputed or ugc affilitead university, if u wann to know wht is the use of it, thn u u.stnd it is not any special degree, it is the basic knowledgial degree of computer field, thn any whr whr u wann, use or get job by it
Reply:IGNOU and DOEACC are good, cheap and recognised.
Which place course running of P G D C A?
hi dilip plz explain wht u want to ask i cant able to understnd? if u wann to know whr u do it, thn ans., is it u may do it, by a well reputed or ugc affilitead university, if u wann to know wht is the use of it, thn u u.stnd it is not any special degree, it is the basic knowledgial degree of computer field, thn any whr whr u wann, use or get job by it
Reply:IGNOU and DOEACC are good, cheap and recognised.
RightTriangle function for C++?
The book I am consulting is Gary Bronson, C++ for Engineers and Scientists, Second Edition, Course Technology, 2006, ISBN 0-534-99380-X
I’m using Microsoft Visual Studios 2005 .
So here is what I’m attempting to do:
1. Write a function rightTriangle that accepts two double arguments (the two sides of a right triangle a, and b) and returns one double value (the length of the hypotenuse). The function prototype should be defined in file student.h and the function itself should be written in file student.cpp.
2. Write a program in Main.cpp that reads the two sides from a file, uses the function rightTriangle to calculate the hypotenuse length, and writes all three values to an output file.
3. Execute the program using the following triangle side input.
First Side (a) Second Side (b)
3 4
5 12
12 16
2.8 4.5
The problem is that I cannot get the function to strip values from my inFile. It says that inFile is an undeclared indentifier in my function
RightTriangle function for C++?
are you declaring that you are using a file? usually you have to use the file package
#include %26lt;fstream%26gt; in the beginning. then you need to declare your files...
ifstream inputfile.open("input.txt");
ofstream outputfile. open("output.txt");
that should fix your input problem
dried flowers
I’m using Microsoft Visual Studios 2005 .
So here is what I’m attempting to do:
1. Write a function rightTriangle that accepts two double arguments (the two sides of a right triangle a, and b) and returns one double value (the length of the hypotenuse). The function prototype should be defined in file student.h and the function itself should be written in file student.cpp.
2. Write a program in Main.cpp that reads the two sides from a file, uses the function rightTriangle to calculate the hypotenuse length, and writes all three values to an output file.
3. Execute the program using the following triangle side input.
First Side (a) Second Side (b)
3 4
5 12
12 16
2.8 4.5
The problem is that I cannot get the function to strip values from my inFile. It says that inFile is an undeclared indentifier in my function
RightTriangle function for C++?
are you declaring that you are using a file? usually you have to use the file package
#include %26lt;fstream%26gt; in the beginning. then you need to declare your files...
ifstream inputfile.open("input.txt");
ofstream outputfile. open("output.txt");
that should fix your input problem
dried flowers
I am diploma holder in e&c with agreegate of 74% ,, i need good job ,,so lead me to better things?
i am diploma holder in e%26amp;c with agreegate of 74% ,, i wana to know ,,, which which degree courses i can join
I am diploma holder in e%26amp;c with agreegate of 74% ,, i need good job ,,so lead me to better things?
Take the job.
Reply:come to Xj work for me.
I am diploma holder in e%26amp;c with agreegate of 74% ,, i need good job ,,so lead me to better things?
Take the job.
Reply:come to Xj work for me.
Which course is best after s.s.c. to be settle in USA?
My friend has passed SSC exam from india and planing to settle in USA within a year, Which course she/he must do?
Which course is best after s.s.c. to be settle in USA?
Reply:British english cousre or neutral English course
Which course is best after s.s.c. to be settle in USA?
Reply:British english cousre or neutral English course
High salary generating courses in IT-field?
I am a C.B.S.E XIIth passed out student.
suggest some high salary generating undergraduate courses in IT-FIELD.
High salary generating courses in IT-field?
what does this have to do with Special Ed? why would you post this question in the special ed section? please learn what special ed means, and how to use yahoo answers properly
thank you
Reply:will someone please explain to these people how to use yahoo answers??? Report It
Reply:B.Tech. or SAP Certification
Reply:do b-tech in CSE dept..
Reply:First do B.Tech in Information Technology or Computer Science.
Along with this gather extra knowledge.like learn java or .net or whatever will be the hottest programming language in 4 years.
Reply:Btech in IT,comp science,electronics or even a combination of IT and telecommunication will be better
I am a C.B.S.E XIIth passed out student.
suggest some high salary generating undergraduate courses in IT-FIELD.
High salary generating courses in IT-field?
what does this have to do with Special Ed? why would you post this question in the special ed section? please learn what special ed means, and how to use yahoo answers properly
thank you
Reply:will someone please explain to these people how to use yahoo answers??? Report It
Reply:B.Tech. or SAP Certification
Reply:do b-tech in CSE dept..
Reply:First do B.Tech in Information Technology or Computer Science.
Along with this gather extra knowledge.like learn java or .net or whatever will be the hottest programming language in 4 years.
Reply:Btech in IT,comp science,electronics or even a combination of IT and telecommunication will be better
Various stages in c-program development?
c programming, makhanlal university bca 1st semester course
Various stages in c-program development?
what??!! what are you talking about? the development types(iterative, modular)? or techniques for reusabilite? what?
gift baskets
Various stages in c-program development?
what??!! what are you talking about? the development types(iterative, modular)? or techniques for reusabilite? what?
gift baskets
Community college courses help??
I am looking through a course catalog for the summer courses offered at my local community college and I want to take a course that is equivalent to AP Physics B or AP Physics B.
Is General Physics I equivalent to AP Physics B??
Is General Physics II equivalent to AP Physics C??
Community college courses help??
My guess is no, since usually "general" courses are low level courses.
But the problem with colleges is that they all like to use slightly different names for their courses.
Your best bet is to call your college and ask to speak with an advisor or counselor. Those are experts on all the classes at the school.
Is General Physics I equivalent to AP Physics B??
Is General Physics II equivalent to AP Physics C??
Community college courses help??
My guess is no, since usually "general" courses are low level courses.
But the problem with colleges is that they all like to use slightly different names for their courses.
Your best bet is to call your college and ask to speak with an advisor or counselor. Those are experts on all the classes at the school.
Which of these basic computer courses might be usefull??
I just finished my high school, n i have my vacations going on, so i wana use it to take a computer course.I already did the microsoft office and basic courses.I just dont know which of these courses should i opt which might prove to be valuable on my CV.
1.Certificate in web designing;(which includes): frontpage 2003, image composer, gif animator %26amp; publishig website.
2.Certificate in web graphics; HTML,adobe photoshop, macromedia flash %26amp; macromedia dream weaver.
3.Certificate in graphic design %26amp;DTP; adobe photoshop, corel draw %26amp; quark express.
5.visual basic
or shud i go for accounting softwares (peachtree accounting/tally accounting), even though am not a commerce student.
Thank you, appreciate.
Which of these basic computer courses might be usefull??
There are no good jobs in accounting right now. The courses that I am currently taking include Java, ASP.net, and Web design courses. There is a very good future in advanced web design. The more experience you have there the more successful you will probably be in the area of computers.
Good luck.
Reply:It depends on what kind of work you want to do. Do you want to design web pages? Do you want to do graphic design? Do you want to write programs?
I would think Adobe Photoshop and Macromedia Flash would be the most fun. I do Photoshop just as a hobby and I love it.
For programming, Visual Basic is definitely the place to start.
I wouldn't take the accounting software course, I don't think it would make sense unless you already had some idea of how accounting works (I could be wrong though).
Reply:If you can do the below items and get a degree you can get a good Job almost anywhere..
.Certificate in web designing;(which includes): frontpage 2003, image composer, gif animator %26amp; publishig website.
5.visual basic
Reply:#2 is the best. Thats for building websites and doodads and such. Theres plenty of money in that, and youll be able to express your creativity and actually make stuff. The other stuff is mostly boring poop. Actually one is cool too. Forget it i dont know what im talking about.
Reply:networking or security
Reply:I would go with number one. It gives you a taste of it without going to far into it.
1.Certificate in web designing;(which includes): frontpage 2003, image composer, gif animator %26amp; publishig website.
2.Certificate in web graphics; HTML,adobe photoshop, macromedia flash %26amp; macromedia dream weaver.
3.Certificate in graphic design %26amp;DTP; adobe photoshop, corel draw %26amp; quark express.
5.visual basic
or shud i go for accounting softwares (peachtree accounting/tally accounting), even though am not a commerce student.
Thank you, appreciate.
Which of these basic computer courses might be usefull??
There are no good jobs in accounting right now. The courses that I am currently taking include Java, ASP.net, and Web design courses. There is a very good future in advanced web design. The more experience you have there the more successful you will probably be in the area of computers.
Good luck.
Reply:It depends on what kind of work you want to do. Do you want to design web pages? Do you want to do graphic design? Do you want to write programs?
I would think Adobe Photoshop and Macromedia Flash would be the most fun. I do Photoshop just as a hobby and I love it.
For programming, Visual Basic is definitely the place to start.
I wouldn't take the accounting software course, I don't think it would make sense unless you already had some idea of how accounting works (I could be wrong though).
Reply:If you can do the below items and get a degree you can get a good Job almost anywhere..
.Certificate in web designing;(which includes): frontpage 2003, image composer, gif animator %26amp; publishig website.
5.visual basic
Reply:#2 is the best. Thats for building websites and doodads and such. Theres plenty of money in that, and youll be able to express your creativity and actually make stuff. The other stuff is mostly boring poop. Actually one is cool too. Forget it i dont know what im talking about.
Reply:networking or security
Reply:I would go with number one. It gives you a taste of it without going to far into it.
Correspondence courses?
Im doin correspondence courses right now. school starts august 1 my question is will i beable to go 2 school and do my correspondence courses at the same time. like i'll do the classes im not doin for my c.classes or something.
Correspondence courses?
yea my sister did it...
Correspondence courses?
yea my sister did it...
A-g courses?
are a-g courses that you need to be able to graduate highschool? thanks. and if this is so i got a D in my ap computer science class first semester but an A second semester any ways will i have to retake this first semester and improve the D to a c or better to be eligable for uc schools? or since it isnt a a-g course will it not matter to much? thanks guys.
A-g courses?
yes,and for UC/CSU's
A-g courses?
yes,and for UC/CSU's
In a college, some courses contribute more towards an overall GPA than other courses. For example, a science?
how do you solve?In a college, some courses contribute more towards an overall GPA than other courses. For example, a science class is worth 4 points; mathematics is worth 3 points; History is worth 2 points; and English is worth 3 points. The values of the grade letters are as follows, A= 4, B=3, C=2, D=1, F=0. What is the GPA of a student who made a “C” in Trigonometry, a “B” in American History, an “A” in Botany, and a “B” in Microbiology?
In a college, some courses contribute more towards an overall GPA than other courses. For example, a science?
College GPAs are based on the number of units and the grade you get for each class. So yes, some classes are worth more units, so it weighs more heavily towards your GPA. Also, colleges have A, A-, B+, B, B-, etc., and each of these +'s and -'s represent different points. For example, 4.0=A, 3.8=A-, 3.3=B+, etc.
Reply:I feel ya! Because i just do my best and wait to see what i get!
Reply:we're not math students. i think gpa is based on how many credit hours per course
Reply:I calculated based on how I calculate my gpa (im in college too) and I got 2.82.
Based on the information you gave me, I multiplied a grade of the class to how many units (points) it counts for. Example:
A = 4
Science is worth 4 points.
Botany = A
4 x 4 = 16
I did this to all the classes you had and I got a 46. Then I added all the points of the classes you have which is 13 (3 + 2 + 4+ 4). Divided 13 by 46 and ended with .28260. Multiplied by 100% and got 2.82.
Now, I tried a different method which is in the high school way. I added up your points for each class
Trig = C = 2
American His = B = 3
botany = A = 4
Micro = B = 3
= 12
divide 12 by how many classes (4 classes) and that equals to 3.00gpa.
Just check your college how you calculate your gpa. Might be different that mine but Im pretty sure its the same way as the first one I did.
Reply:At Kent State, GPA is based on your grade and the credit hours for each course, not the department the course is listed under.
for example: last fall I took an imtermediate accounting class and got a B. the class was worth 4 credits.
The maximum I can get is 16 (4 hours x 4 points); what I got was 12 (4 hours x 3 points).
Now the University has added +/- letter grades, so it's even more complicated.
Reply:I can tell you how to figure out the answer yourself.
Take the # of points you have earned (example: C=2), add them up and then divide that by how many classes you have:)
In a college, some courses contribute more towards an overall GPA than other courses. For example, a science?
College GPAs are based on the number of units and the grade you get for each class. So yes, some classes are worth more units, so it weighs more heavily towards your GPA. Also, colleges have A, A-, B+, B, B-, etc., and each of these +'s and -'s represent different points. For example, 4.0=A, 3.8=A-, 3.3=B+, etc.
Reply:I feel ya! Because i just do my best and wait to see what i get!
Reply:we're not math students. i think gpa is based on how many credit hours per course
Reply:I calculated based on how I calculate my gpa (im in college too) and I got 2.82.
Based on the information you gave me, I multiplied a grade of the class to how many units (points) it counts for. Example:
A = 4
Science is worth 4 points.
Botany = A
4 x 4 = 16
I did this to all the classes you had and I got a 46. Then I added all the points of the classes you have which is 13 (3 + 2 + 4+ 4). Divided 13 by 46 and ended with .28260. Multiplied by 100% and got 2.82.
Now, I tried a different method which is in the high school way. I added up your points for each class
Trig = C = 2
American His = B = 3
botany = A = 4
Micro = B = 3
= 12
divide 12 by how many classes (4 classes) and that equals to 3.00gpa.
Just check your college how you calculate your gpa. Might be different that mine but Im pretty sure its the same way as the first one I did.
Reply:At Kent State, GPA is based on your grade and the credit hours for each course, not the department the course is listed under.
for example: last fall I took an imtermediate accounting class and got a B. the class was worth 4 credits.
The maximum I can get is 16 (4 hours x 4 points); what I got was 12 (4 hours x 3 points).
Now the University has added +/- letter grades, so it's even more complicated.
Reply:I can tell you how to figure out the answer yourself.
Take the # of points you have earned (example: C=2), add them up and then divide that by how many classes you have:)
From where to get C++?
Form where could I get the C++ envoierment, and is there a online course from where I can get probably a diploma? Or from where can i gat e-books on c programing?
From where to get C++?
Download turboc3
http://www.click-now.net for ebook
Reply:u wanna download turbo c++ :
Microsft Visual C++ 2005
From where to get C++?
Download turboc3
http://www.click-now.net for ebook
Reply:u wanna download turbo c++ :
Microsft Visual C++ 2005
Looking for a free c compiler?
i need a c compiler so i can do my course work at home. ive tryed to buy one from pcworld but they dont sell them any more not sure why. if any one nows where i can tell me were i can find a good c compiler i would be greatfull. i would prefere if it was free
Looking for a free c compiler?
http://www.bloodshed.net/ has a very good C++/C compiler that should compile any C code you have no problem.
Reply:Search the net for gcc - the GNU C Compiler.
Reply:There are several free ones available. For a good bargain, go to Borland's website and download Turbo C++ for free.
Otherwise, look for DJGPP, the free Gnu C++ computer.
Finally, just put in "free C compiler" into Google and visit the tons of pages that come up and select one.
Reply:Should you actually have to go to the Dark$ide, Microsoft's student pricing for Visual Studio isn't bad at all.
Looking for a free c compiler?
http://www.bloodshed.net/ has a very good C++/C compiler that should compile any C code you have no problem.
Reply:Search the net for gcc - the GNU C Compiler.
Reply:There are several free ones available. For a good bargain, go to Borland's website and download Turbo C++ for free.
Otherwise, look for DJGPP, the free Gnu C++ computer.
Finally, just put in "free C compiler" into Google and visit the tons of pages that come up and select one.
Reply:Should you actually have to go to the Dark$ide, Microsoft's student pricing for Visual Studio isn't bad at all.
Wt type of computer courses shd ijoin?
hello to all,i hv givn exams of 12th in commerce.i wanna do next bcom so i m cnfusd which comp courses shd i join to spend my holidays sum hav sugested me c-language or oracle
Wt type of computer courses shd ijoin?
Dont waste your time rt now. As most of these road side institutes are for minting money. For god sake dont spend on C / Oracle as you would not remember an inch of it after you complete your graduation.
Reply:It depends on your own interest. Sit alone in an Arm Chair, close your eyes and think over it. Got the answer.
Reply:Maybe an English course would be helpful. You could learn how to spell and to converse properly.
Reply:C++ would be all you require.
Reply:if u know the basics of computers then its better to do tally new version and any database like oracle 9i or microsoft sql 2003..... there is a lot of opportunities if you do these courses.........all the best.......since i'm working as a software trainer.......i think this is a good course...............if u wan any kinda help contact me.......
ts s vinod...u better do know some software course..
like dot net....it is booming fastly.u may join bcs in ug college.
any sugg mail me
flowers on line
Wt type of computer courses shd ijoin?
Dont waste your time rt now. As most of these road side institutes are for minting money. For god sake dont spend on C / Oracle as you would not remember an inch of it after you complete your graduation.
Reply:It depends on your own interest. Sit alone in an Arm Chair, close your eyes and think over it. Got the answer.
Reply:Maybe an English course would be helpful. You could learn how to spell and to converse properly.
Reply:C++ would be all you require.
Reply:if u know the basics of computers then its better to do tally new version and any database like oracle 9i or microsoft sql 2003..... there is a lot of opportunities if you do these courses.........all the best.......since i'm working as a software trainer.......i think this is a good course...............if u wan any kinda help contact me.......
ts s vinod...u better do know some software course..
like dot net....it is booming fastly.u may join bcs in ug college.
any sugg mail me
flowers on line
Write a c++ program that accept:-?
Write a c++ program that accepts:
1) Number of students and their name
2)Number of courses given and their title
3)mark of each course for each student
a)calculate and display total and avarage of the courses for each student
b)Display the student name, total and average with maximum total.
Write a c++ program that accept:-?
Name and number,
title = confounded
avarage for grade for courses would be an F if done this way
student name = Yitbarek A with an average grade of failing the course.←
1) Number of students and their name
2)Number of courses given and their title
3)mark of each course for each student
a)calculate and display total and avarage of the courses for each student
b)Display the student name, total and average with maximum total.
Write a c++ program that accept:-?
Name and number,
title = confounded
avarage for grade for courses would be an F if done this way
student name = Yitbarek A with an average grade of failing the course.←
I m doing B C A it is a profassional course my budget is too low . should purchase a computer or not.?
If the computer is going to be your entertainment too, why not? You can go to a computer fix it place and get one rebuilt pretty inexpensive. Ask around, people are always buying new ones, and are happy to help someone out. These days, doing any kind of school work, the computer is the only way to go. The options allowed to you are endless. Find the right one, and go for it.
I'm thinking about going to bartending school. I am wondering how good these courses really are.?
I have read a lot of good things about them but also a few bad things. I have an interview with the local school here in Nashville this wednesday but I was wondering if anyone had info about these courses. Cost, effectiveness etc. One of the bad things i have heard is that even after taking the course it is still tough to find a job b/c most places prefer to hire on experience.
I'm thinking about going to bartending school. I am wondering how good these courses really are.?
I learned more by bartending at a real job, than from the school.
Reply:you're right about the experience part. Most places I've worked I've gotten hired because I had the experience. I've never gone to school for it. You should try and work your way up. Start by serving, then barbacking, and then bartending. It's what I did. I worked in a bar as their server, and learned my drinks on the side. If it was slow, I'd ask them if they needed help stocking the bar, and I payed attention to how the bartender worked. Then you see what works well for them, what works better for you, you get the training in the place of employment, and you get to know the customers. You can also buy books about shots, and learn at home.
Reply:The school here has 100% job placement. I would look for something like that in a school. I have an old friend that went through the schooling AFTER he had graduated college. He just wasn't finding work in his field. I don't know how much he makes, but he did find work. Like the other person said, don't expect to start out at the best place. Once you gain experience, it will be easier to find a job. Just research the school good!
Reply:only go to one which you have heard good references about. Keep in mind that if u do this for a living you will be living opposite from most of the working world. You'll be working evenings and nights when most people are coming home from work.
At work interviews put on your best personality, and dress very neatly. Have your own references written down.
Reply:get your certification, get to know the instructor well cause htey might have hookups. Don't be expecting to land the bank jobs till u have more experince. Start at a dive bar and work your way up. Or go into catering, u set your own days and get to work at nice places that don't smell like a men's room!
I'm thinking about going to bartending school. I am wondering how good these courses really are.?
I learned more by bartending at a real job, than from the school.
Reply:you're right about the experience part. Most places I've worked I've gotten hired because I had the experience. I've never gone to school for it. You should try and work your way up. Start by serving, then barbacking, and then bartending. It's what I did. I worked in a bar as their server, and learned my drinks on the side. If it was slow, I'd ask them if they needed help stocking the bar, and I payed attention to how the bartender worked. Then you see what works well for them, what works better for you, you get the training in the place of employment, and you get to know the customers. You can also buy books about shots, and learn at home.
Reply:The school here has 100% job placement. I would look for something like that in a school. I have an old friend that went through the schooling AFTER he had graduated college. He just wasn't finding work in his field. I don't know how much he makes, but he did find work. Like the other person said, don't expect to start out at the best place. Once you gain experience, it will be easier to find a job. Just research the school good!
Reply:only go to one which you have heard good references about. Keep in mind that if u do this for a living you will be living opposite from most of the working world. You'll be working evenings and nights when most people are coming home from work.
At work interviews put on your best personality, and dress very neatly. Have your own references written down.
Reply:get your certification, get to know the instructor well cause htey might have hookups. Don't be expecting to land the bank jobs till u have more experince. Start at a dive bar and work your way up. Or go into catering, u set your own days and get to work at nice places that don't smell like a men's room!
I am week in 'c' language and i join 'mca' course what book i prefer ,my U.G. was not in computer. please tell
my id is ajaybaba_11@yahoo.co.in .if you send answer i say you thanks in advanced.
I am week in 'c' language and i join 'mca' course what book i prefer ,my U.G. was not in computer. please tell
Initially read "Let us C" by Yashwant Kanetkar. Or read C Programming by Bala Guruswamy. it will help you to get fundamentals. Then you can read: Pointers In C, Data Structures in that order.
But dont worry ONLY about C Langauge. In your MCA, Spend as much time as you can in the lab, work on examples. That will consolidate your skills. Good luck !
Reply:Nothing to beat "The C Programming Language" by Kernighan %26amp; Ritchie. But if you are a beginner, you may want to try some of the books recommended by the others before venturing into this.
Reply:i think the %26lt;%26lt;Deitel %26amp; Deitel How to program in C%26gt;%26gt; its good book for basic and u have to also solve the exercise of that to get perfect . I used it . Good for beginers
Reply:Thinking in C
C %26amp; Data Structures
florist shop
I am week in 'c' language and i join 'mca' course what book i prefer ,my U.G. was not in computer. please tell
Initially read "Let us C" by Yashwant Kanetkar. Or read C Programming by Bala Guruswamy. it will help you to get fundamentals. Then you can read: Pointers In C, Data Structures in that order.
But dont worry ONLY about C Langauge. In your MCA, Spend as much time as you can in the lab, work on examples. That will consolidate your skills. Good luck !
Reply:Nothing to beat "The C Programming Language" by Kernighan %26amp; Ritchie. But if you are a beginner, you may want to try some of the books recommended by the others before venturing into this.
Reply:i think the %26lt;%26lt;Deitel %26amp; Deitel How to program in C%26gt;%26gt; its good book for basic and u have to also solve the exercise of that to get perfect . I used it . Good for beginers
Reply:Thinking in C
C %26amp; Data Structures
florist shop
Is taking these courses all together too hard?
I'm planning on registering the following courses for my next semester. Calculus (2), Physics (2), Physics Lab (2), C++, and Engineering Drawing. Total is 13 hrs. Is it too much or is it ok. Will I be able to manage it. I just want to be able to study each enough to get A's. Are these courses easy or not?
Is taking these courses all together too hard?
Yeah it all depends on how good you are at these classes. For the average student i would say this is a pretty tough schedule. Even tho its only 13 units, usually lab classes are still 3 hours long but they only give you one unit. So you technically probably still have 15 hours of class.
My general theory is to take as many classes as you can sign up for which is usually 18 or 21 units. But for some people they cant handle it due to workload or they have a job.
I dont know what year your in but I am guessing your either a freshman or a sophmore so you can always make up the units in summer session or the following semester.
Reply:That is not too much. These are typically freshman classes and as a freshman you should take an average of 16 to 18 hours each semester. I would actually say you are taking to few classes and might want to take another if you are planning on graduating in four years. If you keep taking just 13 hours, you might have to stay for and extra semester or two.
Reply:Well in my opinion I think it all depends on your capabilities. I know i could not do it. but just try and not make it too hard because it's better to get all A's in classes that are less hard then fail classes because you are taking too many hard classes.
Reply:That is probably a bit much. You may be able to hsndle if you are a good student, don't have to work, and don't date.
Is taking these courses all together too hard?
Yeah it all depends on how good you are at these classes. For the average student i would say this is a pretty tough schedule. Even tho its only 13 units, usually lab classes are still 3 hours long but they only give you one unit. So you technically probably still have 15 hours of class.
My general theory is to take as many classes as you can sign up for which is usually 18 or 21 units. But for some people they cant handle it due to workload or they have a job.
I dont know what year your in but I am guessing your either a freshman or a sophmore so you can always make up the units in summer session or the following semester.
Reply:That is not too much. These are typically freshman classes and as a freshman you should take an average of 16 to 18 hours each semester. I would actually say you are taking to few classes and might want to take another if you are planning on graduating in four years. If you keep taking just 13 hours, you might have to stay for and extra semester or two.
Reply:Well in my opinion I think it all depends on your capabilities. I know i could not do it. but just try and not make it too hard because it's better to get all A's in classes that are less hard then fail classes because you are taking too many hard classes.
Reply:That is probably a bit much. You may be able to hsndle if you are a good student, don't have to work, and don't date.
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